Inspired by where i live and the amazing local cheese shop
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Those that follow the strip may remember the bug from a flashback story “Who i was”. The bug passes places seen on the map, Bride falls, Herriman Bay, and lands inside the Pipe point Limestone rock pillar.
The fairy tale The Four Skilled Brothers has been adapted by @christopherjohnbaldwin and myself and will have the first launch tomorrow July 26th at 10pm HERE A few years ago Christopher at my request adapted the old tale for me[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Hey, I haven’t forgotten about doing more strips, I am just working on a small 6 to 8 or so page story for Christopher Baldwin over at Side note, I am looking to draw 6 fictional characters for fun[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
I made a comic! A character i have been working on for 6 yrs. PWN. Printed up a 100 copies :). It was cool making my own comic. I plan on making a second issue, but kinda want to do[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
It has been a terrible year, but no one wants to hear bad news, so just forget I mentioned it.Wait, because of the bad, I had the courage to ask Christopher Baldwin, a friend and favorite cartoonist of mine if[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Check out For Jeff Couturiers New Strip M0nk3y McCoy and Cybernana that i got to be a part of !! It launched June 9th!