thanks Will, Micron 08 all of it, I just make a few more passes in the areas I like to be heavier . I have seen your work, I don’t think I can compete with those beautiful lines you conjure.
Thanks Matt and ROLFE , It’s true in the last three weeks I have discovered more great strips like yours (Robot Beach and Mighty Monocle) then the last 6 months, and both cause of twitter!
Great! Awesome!
Thanks Karlos, and Rai I will take O_O that you liked it.
I like it! The linework is really nice!
thanks Will, Micron 08 all of it, I just make a few more passes in the areas I like to be heavier . I have seen your work, I don’t think I can compete with those beautiful lines you conjure.
Wow, only just discovered this strip! That’s the great thing about twitter, finding new artistis.
I love the art and colour style. Reminds me a little of Alfred Bestall’s Rupert the Bear work.
You are on my radar NOW!
Stunningly beautiful!
Thanks Matt and ROLFE , It’s true in the last three weeks I have discovered more great strips like yours (Robot Beach and Mighty Monocle) then the last 6 months, and both cause of twitter!
Wow, Don.
For discovering strips and web comics I’ve been refering to …lots of offers to choose
Awesome art!
Beautiful page, and great gag. Nice work!
Thanks Tom