You may read that title and thought, I hope some checks his grammar, and someone will don’t worry. Also you may have seen me mention my desire to illustrate books in the past, like the hobbit. Realizing that likely will not happen i decided to write my own middle grade fantasy book just so i could illustrate it. I started planning the book a year ago in January and begun writing in March. I have really been enjoying it and over 33000 words in. I hit a few walls writing some scenes and i lapsed in my output in the fall. However recently i have been in a groove and didnt want to break my stride so that is why i have been publishing old strips.
Any other writers come and visit this site, i would like to hear from you and encourage you.
Merry Christmas everyone, sorry i missed this week, but i will have extra time next week and post a couple. Here is a bad limerick, with bad rythem till i draw a new strip . In honour of my local proveyor of cheese.

i thought readers would have been surprised by this revelation. Maybe the story has been weakened by my long absence from the comic. I hope to wrap it up soon and end the strip when it does. Thanks to the few of you that keep tunning in.
word press wont let me post videos, but here is a a fun simple snimation thing i did quickly