I have been asked by my wife, and a couple friends to bring back Castor, the comic strip I tried to get Syndicated a long time ago . There is a couple reasons why I hesitate; One I borrowed a lot of the character design from Castor for the farmer in Almanac, I ‘m very attached to the Castor character and I’m not sure I’m ready to relaunch him after years of neglect, I am committed to the new characters in Almanac and I wish to see them through, and the original Castor strips were drawn over a seven year period,  with a total accumulation of around only 60 strip, with only 40 of these done in similar style.

I might relaunch them as a Sunday special, but I’m afraid it might distract from Road Apples Almanac, and I don’t know if I have time to draw new Castor’s, I’ve  always promised myself I would revisit him, but with more skill and effort. So only old ones would be printed.

I would welcome comments on this.